It is the responsibility of the School District to continue to explore ways for our schools offer food that has the highest nutritional value and to promote a well-balanced wellness program that includes health and nutrition education, physical education, counseling support, health promotion for staff, and family and community involvement.
- Nearly 40% of California children are not physically fit
- Over the past 30 years, the childhood obseisty rate has more than doubled for preschool children ages 2-5 and youth 12-19. It has more than tripled for children ages 6-11.
Although RBUSD has opened salad bars, has adopted revised and focused nutrition policies and has piloted a wellness program in conjunction with the Health District, more can be accomplished.
- Continue to focus on breakfast and lunch programs, to support nutrition education throughout all district programs. (cookies may be low fat, but alternatives to cookies and sweets need to be investigated).
- Promote healthy food choices inside and outside the classroom, including parties and fundraisers.
- Expand the collaborative relationship with the Health District
- Work with the staff to focus on and provide professional development in the area of physical education and nutrition
- Explore ways to continue to fund the elementary counseling program with a counselor at every elementary school. With the PAL grant ending this year, and the renewal of the grant still unknown, other sources of funding must be located.
- Ensure that all elementary students receive 200 minutes of physical education instruction every two weeks, as mandated through the state.
- Deveop wellness opportunities for district staff.
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