- Occupation: Educator/Administrator
- Proven educational leader-38years-see http://www.dalepetrulis.com/Testimonials.html
- Parent, 11 year teacher/20 year school principal/6+ years Central District Administrator-providing additional monetary/human resources for schools
- PTA honors: Very Special Person, Honorary Service, Continuing Service
- Written over $3 million in educational grants to strengthen and enhance current programs and build new ones
- National Collaborative honoree-National Councils of Mayors/Cities/School Boards for collaborative support for the school community
- Appointed member of CA Dept. of Education English Language Arts Content Review Panel reviewing standards match to test items
Top Priorities if Elected |
- Provide high quality instruction, supported by a strong professional development plan
- Improve the budget picture by locating outside resources to avoid cuts in programs and personnel, augmenting current programs with new ones
- Focus on a wellness program the promotes a healthy and safe school environment
- Kathy Swift, small business owner, lifelong resident, active Redondo parent
- Marilyn White, former City Council member, current bond oversite member
- Janet Johnson, Leadership Redondo organizer, Redondo woman of the year
- Provide High Quality Instruction Supported by a Strong Professional Development Plan
We must take all steps to ensure that our students are offered a superior educational program that maximizes each student's potential and their ability to make good post high school choices. We must ensure that our students are college prepared and career ready.
- Secure Additional Funds and Grants to Support Our Schools
All California school districts struggle with the realities being underfunded and not knowing what their income will be when they are planning for the next year. It is difficult to make long range plans when funding is unstable, underfunded and unknown when planning takes place. Small school districts, such as Redondo Beach, have few choices when making cuts from their budget. Creative solutions and outside funding are needed to augment and support needed instructional programs.
- Focus on a Wellness Program the Promotes a Healthy School Environment
It is the responsibility of the School District to continue to explore ways for our schools offer food that has the highest nutritional value and to promote a well-balanced wellness program that includes health and nutrition education, physical education, counseling support, health promotion for staff, and family and community involvement.