A college campus can and should be a priority to our citizens. To provide for higher learning and training, our community will be able to attract head of houshold job generators and to complete the needed educaional requirements our citizens require in this very competattive employment environment
A no brainer. To provide to our citizens a center for higher learning is a great opportunity. We have the space and the infrastructure. All we need is the will. This campus should provide programs for both undergrad and masters classes. To help our citizens complete their degrees close to home, and to work on the degree that they need to excel. This campus should also have a ROP element, to help those of whom college is not an option. In this vein, all our citizens can have the opportunity they need to be successful. This also fits into our plan to bring the needed jobs to Tracy. Many institutions are in search of communities that provide for advancement of their workforce. While on the council I will both support and endorse the activities required to bring this to fruition.