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San Diego County, CA November 7, 2006 Election
Smart Voter

My Personal Philosophy of Education

By Archie McAllister

Candidate for Board Member; Sweetwater Union High School District; Seat 3

This information is provided by the candidate
The personal beliefs and philosophy that will be utilized during a career in Education. Tenets include; making the classroom a safe haven, classroom rules and procedures, multi-cultural awareness, making the curriculum interesting for the students, leadership by example, being a role model and understanding that a sense of humor or patience must not be lost with the students as they are the reason for me being there.
I believe that each and every child in America regardless of race, religion, socioeconomic status, national origin or primary language is guaranteed an education and it is incumbent on me as a teacher to do my part to ensure that it is the best.

I believe my primary concern is to make my classroom a safe haven where students can feel safe and secure, free from anxieties of the outside world. As long as they are in my charge, I will do everything within my power to make sure they will be in the right frame of mind, one that is conducive to learning. I will try to gain and respect their confidence.

I realize that not all my students come from the same culltural background or socioeconomic status.I will try to learn the language and respect the many cultures that are presentin my classroom.I also realize that not all students learn at the same rate or the same mode so I will vary my teaching technique so that all my students can learn.

I believe that one can learn from mistakes as well as successes. My personal experience is that I have gained more insight and learned more through failure than success. Students should be guided through the material and allowed to make their own successes as well as their mistakes. I believe that there must be some rules for the classroom and each student should obey them.

I believe it is necessary to state in writing what I expect of my students at the outset. I will give them a written list of course expectations, grading criteria, make-up homework policies and class rules and procedures. I will cultivate and foster a relationship with the parents because parental involvement is the key to the student's academic success.

I believe that I should be a resource for the students and should guide them through the material.I should have a serious attitude toward the curriculum and be able to make the subject matter come 'alive' for the student. It is my job to make the curriculum interesting. It is up to me to motivate the students to want to learn.

I believe in leadership by example. I must show up each morning prepared and ready to work, stay after school if necessary and do whatever it takes to get the job done. I will present a professional appearance and be a role model for my students. I will be consistent in my classroom management, discipline and keep my students on task. I will be fair but I must never lose my sense of humor or my patience with the students. They are the reason I am here.

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