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Orange County, CA | November 7, 2006 Election |
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Vision for Our Town CenterBy Mark NielsenCandidate for Council Member; City of San Juan Capistrano |
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San Juan should have a "world-renowned" Historic Town Center that is pedestrian-oriented, commercially successful and that exudes a welcoming, unique and historical ambience to visitors and residents, both day and night.Historic Town Center City Council candidate, businessman, and community volunteer Mark Nielsen believes we can create a "world-renowned" Historic Town Center/Downtown that is pedestrian-oriented, commercially successful, and that exudes a welcoming, unique and historical ambience to both visitors and residents. Nielsen believes that we should seek methods to attract customers to downtown, without further burdening San Juan Capistrano roads with excessive cars. A trolley-like bus should run daily throughout town connecting key locations and always coming to the Town Center. Downtown should be a regular gathering place for residents, serving both their commercial needs as well as their need for citizen interaction and building of community. Three important groups should be kept in mind in determining our historic downtown's identity: 1) local residents who want a nearby place to dine, shop, and relax; 2) business owners; and, 3) tourists. Nielsen has a vision for our historic town center with a town square/Piazza by the Mission that draws residents and visitors alike with its distinctive architecture and blending of uses. A revitalized downtown will offer attractive retail services and other opportunities, both day and night. This downtown district should encompass the Mission, Los Rios and Camino Capistrano from the Mission church to San Juan Creek. Ultimately, residents will spend more time in this `heart of the city' and visitors will receive a more memorable, positive impression of San Juan Capistrano. |
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