The current Police Facility is too small for our force now. It was built for a much smaller city. What are some solutions?
There is a proposal for a new police facility (ranging from $58 - 78 million dollars depending on when it's built) that exceeds what the City is able to finance to build currently. A more expedient solution would be to set up police substations and move some of the Police department to better accommodations to enable them to do their work in the communities (community policing). Long term however, this facility is needed. The infrastructure revitalization plan (IRP) needs to be re-evaluated to see what the income from it will generate over the long term. Since housing prices rose dramatically from the time the IRP went into effect and now, the original estimates of the income need a re-evaluation to project more closely what the real income could be. Then some long term plans for a date when the City could better afford to build this needed facility could be projected.