Fiscal Responsibility requires an ongoing commitment to making sure all of the Board's decisions are consistent with the sound fiscal health of the District.
Fiscal Responsibility + Fiscal responsibility is an ongoing effort. In each of the past four years, the district has earned a `Positive Certification' from an independent auditor and the County Office of Education. This means that we are operating in a fiscally responsible manner for the current year and for the next two years. Constant attention to the budget, expenditures, changes in laws, methods of accounting, and input from the Financial Advisory Council as well as the public all need attention by the Board. In addition to meeting with various groups who have fiscal expertise, I have completed the California School Board Association's Masters in Governance program, which has provided additional insight and professional instruction in many areas, including Budget. If we allow expenditures to regularly exceed revenues, then we will be forced to focus all of our attention on fiscal matters. Recently, the Board fulfilled our promise to the community to restore the final million-dollar cut (caused when the state reduced our budget by 4 million dollars) resulting in better class sizes and more custodial support.