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Alameda County, CA | November 7, 2006 Election |
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campaign web sitesBy Norma Jean (Fox) HarrisonCandidate for School Director; City of Berkeley |
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internet addresses, Norma Harrison for School Board TEACH FOR TRANSFORMATION, NOT FOR REPLICATION! Please see and and-or contact me: Norma J F Harrison 1312 Cornell Berkeley 94702 Ca., U.S.A. 1-510-527-9584 [re Paul Goodman] (Refuse to grow up into) the abhorrent morally neutral pragmatism of those running the establishment, ......characterized as the top-down, bureaucratized, hierarchical, centralized organization of the state and state-nourished institutions; or into the acquiescent acceptance of powerlessness of those who resign themselves to work within that establishment. Back Row: 1) Albert Parsons 2) Lucy Parsons 3) Voltairine de Cleyre 4) Tom Mooney 5) Kozmick Ladye 6) Rinaldo Iturrino 7) Tyron Kennan 8) Emmett Grogan 9) Emma Goldman 10) Alexander Berkman Front Row: 11) Bartolomeo Vanzetti 12) Niccola Sacco 13) Enrique Flores Magon 14) Ricardo Flores Magon 15) Julian Beck 16) Judith Malina 17) Paul Goodman 18) Molly Steimer 19) Senya Fleshin 20) Marcus Graham Let us talk about how to stop punishing ourselves trying to work the present system. Life, we can decide + opposite churchly teachings, is meant to be enjoyed, now, here, while we're on Earth, in gentle care of Earth, not when we're dead!!! Dead's ok. Trees do it. Ants do it. Every living thing on Earth ... well, they say cell division is not actually death + but , anyway , every living thing on Earth, does it. It's ok. So, let's try to work out how to incorporate that we're all FINE, from the moment we come out of our mothers. We don't need improvement. We all want to know stuff ... to learn stuff .... to do stuff; it's what we are ! human. All of these have been commodified into service for the profiteers, alienating us from the comforts of good work in pleasant surroundings among our friends, families, neighbors. School is just the amplification of this alienating role. Everybody hates it. So why do we ask for more of it, keep `reforming' it, as though it can be fixed. There needs to be `embedded' into our city structure, a forum for examining ways out of this oppressive construct, beginning of course, with addressing State and Federal laws that lay the basis for our confinement. Then we can proceed to discern that in fact, inclusion of us all + through interest, experimentation, love, ability, need + as in need for our maintenance, all these reasonable motives, how we can motivate and educate + educe, not indoctrinate, as in fill the empty vessel process - how we can just do what we need and like. Competition, profit, competition for profit + these are undesirable and unnecessary. Just taking care of ourselves, of us all, and amplifying our lives in the literally innumerable ways possible can give us the substance we all want, that school militates against. |
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Created from information supplied by the candidate: October 2, 2006 16:59
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