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LWV League of Women Voters of California Education Fund

Smart Voter
Santa Clara County, CA June 6, 2006 Election
Candidates Answer Questions on the Issues
Santa Clara County Open Space Authority Director; District 5

The questions were prepared by the the Leagues of Women Voters of Santa Clara County and asked of all candidates for this office.     See below for questions on Experience, Finances, Collaboration

Click on a name for candidate information.   See also more information about this contest.

1. What experience or training do you have which would help the District meet its goals?

Answer from Virginia P. Holtz:

My experience on the Citizens Advisory Committee since its formation helping to write the mission statement and 5 Year Plan for the Open Space Authority have given me the training and knowledge to make decisions that are consistent with the Authority's goals. While on the citizens committee I helped shape other policies such as the - Land Stewardship Program, 20 % Funding Policy, Land Clssification Policy, Citizens Advisory Committee Guidelines, and Volunteer Handbook.

Nine years on San Jose's Parks and Recreation Commission gave me experience to make decisions that benefit the community, and provide for parks and open space for recreation and a wide range of programs.

The League of Women Voters has given me the experience and training in leadership to promote an open, effective government through citizen participation.

2. What is your evaluation of the financial condition of the District?

Answer from Virginia P. Holtz:

The financial condition of the Open Space Authority is sound through conservative management and prudent use of resources where collaboration is encouraged. We partner with other agencies such as Santa Clara County Parks, Nature Conservancy, Santa Clara Valley Water District and the City of San Jose as well as other cities to maximize our investment in acquisition and land management. An annual budget review occurs with the Citizens Advisory Committee and the public.

3. In what ways would you collaborate with other governmental entities to achieve the District's goals?

Answer from Virginia P. Holtz:

To further the goal of a portion of the funding being returned to the participating jurisdictions, the Open Space Authority often partners on projects with cities or county, providing extra amenities in purchasing adjacent land, and in estoration or adding trails. Joining the state of California, the Nature Conservancy, and the Silicon Valley Land Conservancy the OSA extended more agricultural easements recently. I would continue to urge as much collaboration as possible with a wide variety of partners.

Responses to questions asked of each candidate are reproduced as submitted to the League.  Candidates' responses are not edited or corrected by the League.

The order of the candidates is random and changes daily. Candidates who did not respond are not listed on this page.

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