(Vote for 6)
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Maggie Gee
12,969 votes
- Party: Democratic
- Occupation: Incumbent
Karen Weinstein
11,831 votes
- Party: Democratic
- Occupation: Appointed Incumbent
- Member, County Democratic Central Committee
- Co-Chair, Berkeley Albany Emeryville United Democratic Campaign
- Member, National Women's Political Caucus
- Member, Alameda County Democratic Party Outreach Subcommittee
- Member, SEIU Local 535
- Member, Wellstone Democratic Renewal Club
- Elect Democrats to all levels of government, and take back the Governor's Office and the White House
- Build a two-way Partnership between the Democratic Party and its grassroots supporters
- Increase Voter Turnout by Year Round Permanent Precinct Organizing
Elizabeth Echols
11,136 votes
- Party: Democratic
- Occupation: Appointed Incumbent
- Member, Alameda County Democratic Central Committee
- Delegate. California Democratic Party
- Executive Board Member, National Women's Political Caucus
- Former Clinton Administration Offiical
- Former State Co-Chair of Women for Kerry-Edwards
- Member, East Bay for Democracy and Metropolitan-Greater Oakland Democratic Club
- Elect Democrats to all levels of government, and take back the Governor's Office and the White House
- Promote increased participation in the Democratic Party, especially among youth, women, and people of color
- Build a stronger partnership between grassroots activists and the Democratic Party
Beverly Greene
11,006 votes
- Party: Democratic
- Occupation: Appointed Incumbent
Carl D. Jaramillo
10,703 votes
- Party: Democratic
- Occupation: Incumbent
Joaquin J. Rivera
9,704 votes
- Party: Democratic
- Occupation: School Director/ Professor
Royce Kelley
9,677 votes
- Party: Democratic
- Occupation: Incumbent
- Regional Director, California Democratic Party
- Vice-Chair, County Democratic Central Committee
- Executive Board Member, California Democratic Party
- Encouraging grassroots participation in our party
- Building a strong party organization
- Electing Democrats to all levels of government
Basic candidate data supplied by the applicable elections official.
All candidates have been invited to supply additional information to Smart Voter.
Order of candidates is random and changes daily.
This election is archived. Any links to sources outside of Smart Voter may no longer be active. No further links will be added to this page.
Links to sources outside of Smart Voter are provided for information only and do not imply endorsement.