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San Diego County, CA April 11, 2006 Election
Smart Voter

Abolishing the Federal Gasoline Tax

By Eric Roach

Candidate for Member of Congress; California; Congressional District 50

This information is provided by the candidate
"On my first day in office I will introduce a bill to abolish the federal gasoline tax the federal gasoline tax."

Where does our gas tax money go?

  • $2.5 billion to help small railroads in South Dakota
  • $6 million for graffiti elimination in New York
  • $4 million on the National Packard Museum in Warren, OH and the Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn, Michigan
  • $2.4 million on a Red River National Wildlife Refuge Visitor Center in Louisiana
  • $200 million for Alaska's "bridge to nowhere"
In 1982, President Reagan vetoed a major highway bill because it included 152 special interest "pork barrel" projects that would have cost taxpayers $1.4 billion over five years.

Now, Congress passed a highway bill that was packed with more than 6,500 special-interest projects at a cost of more than $24 billion!

Do you think our area gets its fair share in this kind of a deal?

We don't. The special interests shortchange us by diverting our tax money into projects that benefit groups all over the country.

A study by the Heritage Foundation concluded that for every dollar in federal gas tax that Californians pay, we get less than 87% back to fix our roads.

We must cleanse our political system of the lobbyist and special interest influence. But until we can do that, we must wrestle control of the purse strings from the big spenders.

I want to see our tax dollars spent locally to fix our local problems.

Here is my promise: On my first day in office I will introduce a bill to abolish the federal gasoline tax so that control of those funds will remain in the local communities where it belongs.

The time has come to keep the San Diego gas tax dollars in San Diego where they can be used to build and repair San Diego roads and highways!

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