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Alameda County, CA March 7, 2006 Election
Smart Voter

My candidate responses sumitted to the Piedmonter

By Garrett A. Keating

Candidate for Council Member; City of Piedmont

This information is provided by the candidate
What issues does the city face in the next four years? And what would be your role -- as an elected official -- in dealing with those issues?

The next Council faces fundamental questions about basic city operations and long-range planning. Two immediate issues for the City will be congestion-related impacts from School District construction (if Measure E passes) and preparation for the next parcel tax. City Council must work with the School District to see that civic center residents and services are not disrupted. In this process, I'd like to explore opportunities to develop facilities that meet the needs of both the City and District. For the parcel tax, the City Council will need to hear from residents about their satisfaction with city services. The City Council must then provide clear direction to the Municipal Tax Review Committee regarding the types of services the tax will need to support and to critically review their recommendations. I'd like the Review Committee to undertake a broader demographic analysis of trends that will influence our tax base. Such analysis is also needed for another other major issue facing Council + long-range planning for the Civic Center. With all issues, my role will be to comprehend the technical information presented me, to listen to the public and to weigh it in the interest of our community and neighborhoods.

The City Council held a meeting this past September on long-range planning. Among the range of issues discussed were: athletic field needs; the future of the Piedmont Swim Club; disaster preparedness; financial security; and pedestrian safety on Moraga Avenue. What long-term planning priorities would you like to see for the city?

The Civic Center should be the first priority of the City Council because it includes the development of 801 Magnolia, lease of the community pool and the potential reconfiguration of Havens. Coordinated planning of these projects will allow us to address Civic Center congestion and to provide a community center, one of the recommendations of the Civic Center Advisory Committee. Recreational needs are the second priority not only because of increasing participation in youth sports but because of the need to increase recreation opportunities for all Piedmonters. Ideas that should be considered are adding artificial turf and lighting to Coaches Field and using Blair Park as field space. Upgrades to Coaches would naturally require improvements to pedestrian safety on Moraga Avenue. If expansion of these facilities is supported by Piedmont, I'd like to explore co-development of play fields with neighboring towns as a means of lowering the cost to our taxpayers. I would like to see the City approach traffic issues not on an ad hoc basis, but in one coordinated plan that addresses not only current issues, but ones that will arise in the future. Disaster preparedness is an important issue, but one that the City is actively addressing.

Finally, what are your goals as an elected official?

We have a unique opportunity to improve our Civic Center and I have two qualifications that make me a good Council member for this task. First, I work collaboratively with people in my profession and know the value of a group approach to problem-solving. I demonstrated this with the Dracena Park project. Secondly, I think analytically and start by questioning assumptions and then considering all alternatives before making a decision. We need to do just that with the Civic Center master plan. My primary goal as an elected official is to make it possible for everyone in town to be involved in the discussions that shape Piedmont. I think we can make it easier for residents to be involved by utilizing technology, recognizing Piedmonters' busy schedules, tailoring opportunities for involvement around those schedules and by making information and access available at places they already go to, like the Schools, businesses in town and the Veterans' Building. As we celebrate Piedmont's centennial, we need to take a long view into Piedmont's next one hundred years and to come together to shape that vision. I ask for your support and for you to join with me and Participate in Piedmont's Future.

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