The direction and well-being of our youth will determine the growth and future success of our community.
In November of last year, I was a member of the Greenfield District Program Improvement team. The team was informed that Greenfield had been designated as a Program Imoprovement District. Only 14 districts out of over 1,000 in the state had been so designated and it was imperative that student performance had to vastly improve. To me it was also apparent that our students had been the victim of
failed leadership. Since our Superintendent of the District was in his first year of office, the accountability for this failure landed squarely on the shoulders of the District Board Members and the Principles of the Schools. To the credit of the new Superintendent, he agreed to have a research-based organization called West Ed come aboard a be an external evaluator. West Ed had a good track record of working with individual schools and entire districts in improving student performance. Positive steps were then taken to turn this problem around. Not everyone agreed that this was the proper direction to take and therefore were not team players. I feel that nobody knows for sure what will work but everyone surely knows what did not work. I believe those people should be held accountable. They need to be replaced with people who have no other agenda except the well-being of the students. They must be willing to be available and work hard and make a sincere effort at serving the students and their needs. To travel in the same direction with the same leaders will result in another failure the students do not deserve to have. I am "Mr Mom" to 3 students and available to work hard and long in their best interests. More parents need to be involved, teachers need better credentials and a better curriculum, Students need a more caring and supportive environment, special programs and after-school programs need to be available, and each and everyone of these needs will only come from new energy and fresh leaders who truly care. This challlenge should not have failure as an option. Other issues are also present, such as school safety and school lunches.