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I'm running for re-election because I believe we've made great strides in Pasadena Unified School District in the past four years and, more importantly, we've made some fundamental reforms on which to build future excellence.
- For example, my mantra four years ago was the 3 R's -- reading, reading, and reading. Today, we have a fundamental reading program districtwide and our children are learning to read earlier and earlier in their education.
- Four years ago, I talked about bringing high-quality, subject-trained teachers to the district. Today, we have 83% credentialed teachers as a districtwide average, up from 66% four years ago, and we offer incentives for credentialed science and special education teachers to come to PUSD and give bonus pay to teachers who are National Board Certified.
- Four years ago, I talked about sending a clear message about standards, curriculum, and high expectations for student achievement. Today, we have better alignment of classroom instruction with state standards and we track student performance throughout the year to monitor their progress.
But our work is not done. We must take this district to the next level.
- I won't be satisfied as a board member until our secondary schools rise to the same high level as many of our elementary schools have achieved. That's why I want to focus our attention on middle school instructional programs so that students can build on their elementary school successes and be better prepared for a productive high school experience.
- I won't be satisfied until our English language learners and the poorest students in this community are achieving and going to college at rates equivalent to their more affluent peers. That's why I'm committed to implementing fully our Enligh Learner Master Plan and also focusing on the learning and support needs of our low-income students.
- I won't be satisfied until we have a robust, K-12 science curriculum and that's why I'm spearheading a community-wide Science Initiative bringing science professionals together with PUSD science educators to create a world-class science program for our district.
- I also vow to continue pursuing a budget process that is program- and needs-based and that strives for equitable distribution of resources to the classroom while streamlining of administrative and operational practices.
- And I want to enhance the role of teachers in program development and implementation by holding annual teacher summits and including teacher-leaders on district teams to review successes, remedy failures, and disseminate best practices throughout the district.
I feel I have earned this community's vote for re-election. As the only scientist, and the only woman, on the board, I bring unique perspectives to the table. I'm an independent thinker who is not afraid to ask tough questions and vote my conscience even if I'm in the minority. I thank you for your consideration.