This information is provided by the candidate
I will continue my present efforts to fight the 710 freeway extension while supporting the Multi-mode Low Build
Alternative. I will use my negotiating skills to bring this fight to a final resolution. Currently I am the Chairperson of the South Pasadena Transportation Commission. While with the City of LA, I successfully negotiated with Caltrans and local cities for road improvements and secured the preservation of historic properties.
Many members of the City Council work part time in their efforts to govern South Pasadena. I am committed to
working full time as a council member.
Local government has not been fully accountable for fiscal spending. I intend to improve the City Council's
oversight in these matters. The first effort will be to work with the City Manager to make the budget transparent so we all will know how the money is to be spent.
City Hall is sometimes slow to respond to the needs of the local businesses and residents. I will focus my efforts
on making City Hall more efficient, timely and User Friendly.
- The City, school district and local businesses
There is a history of non-mutual goals between the City, local businesses and the local school district. I intend to form a coalition to bring together and find solutions that meet the needs of all concerned.
There is a misconception that I am against the closure of Rollin Street. I am in favor of providing the best safety for our school children but have taken the position that the School Board's plan and EIR are incomplete and do not
adequately address the impact on local traffic.
The Transportation Commission together with the Planning Commission have drafted a standard for evaluating the
closure of any street within South Pasadena and I support that process.
- Looking for ways to improve our community
As a member of the City Council, I will continue my life-long drive to find innovative and cost effective courses of
action. We can qualify and obtain grants to fund special services for the community. My experiences include many
years of obtaining and managing large federal grants.
- Services for senior citizens
South Pasadena has a federally funded home food delivery service for senior citizens. I want to work with the local
hospitals, medical professions and churches to develop an outreach program to identify all home bound senior
citizens who qualify for nutrition and other services.
- Meaningful activities for the retired
Many people within South Pasadena possess professional experiences that can be applied to help our community.
I intend to make opportunities available to retired people and others to participate in city affairs as advisors and
volunteer workers.
- Preservation of neighborhoods
South Pasadena's infrastructure is slowly decaying. To retain real estate values and attract new businesses, we
need to find innovative ways to pay for sidewalk, curb and street repairs, and the removal of blight in our business
districts. I have a plan for financing street repairs.
- Promote the arts and recreation
We have an undefined arts community that would be easier to promote if clearly identified. I would like to facilitate the development of an arts district within the city.
We need more family activities. I am committed to expanding the city's endorsement of additional activities and classes for residents of all ages.
- Reducing noise and vibration from the Gold Line
The Gold Line as it passes through South Pasadena causes distractions in some neighborhoods. I intend to work
with the MTA to find funding to make improvements in the Gold Line right of ways to reduce interference.