The questions were prepared by the League of Women Voters of California and asked of all candidates for this office.
See below for questions on
Federal Resources,
Foreign Policy,
Federal Budget
Click on a name for other candidate information. See also more information about this contest.
1. What can be done to ensure that California gets its fair share of federal resources?
Answer from Douglas Arthur "Art" Tuma:
The Constitution does not define "fair share." The Constitution authorizes some federal resources: a Navy, post offices and roads, land for Washington D.C., forts, magazines, arsenals, dock-yards and other needful buildings.
In my opinion, Auburn dam is a needful building to reduce the frequency of downstream flooding and increase the supply of electrical power and fresh water in dry months. The federal government owns the land for Auburn Dam and Reservoir but won't build the dam. Libertarians would release federal property to private ownership. Private owners could then build Auburn Dam whenever they want. Let private owners decide how to develop their own property in California and everywhere. That's fair.
2. What are your foreign policy priorities for the United States?
Answer from Douglas Arthur "Art" Tuma:
Defend and retaliate against aggression.
Lower tariffs on trade with friendly nations.
Retire corrupted treaties, like the Migratory Bird Treaty used to protect nonviable coot eggs laid in a saline drainage sump.
Stop paying dues to the United Nations.
Withdraw from the United Nations.
Deport all United Nations representatives and personnel not permitted by the State Department to enter the United States.
3. What are your priorities for the federal budget?
Answer from Douglas Arthur "Art" Tuma:
Limit budget to no more than voluntary contributions and user fees.
End funding for projects and programs not authorized by the Constitution, like the drug prohibition war on private personal rights and the environmental protection war on private property rights.
End funding for the Drug Enforcement Agency, Environmental Protection Agency, Fish and Wildlife Service and the Internal Revenue Service.
End Payroll tax for anybody who wants out of Social Security and everybody who starts their first employment after a specified date, hopefully very soon.
End income tax.
End capital gains tax.
End death tax.
End draft.
Sell government property.
Charge for services, like loser pays court costs.
Responses to questions asked of each candidate
are reproduced as submitted to the League.
The order of the candidates is random and changes daily.