There are no deep pockets and we cannot solve every problem by throwing money at it. We must generate ongoing sources of revenue. We must plan for the future by being fiscally responsible.
We cannot remain solvent by stealing from Peter to pay Paul. We must live within our means. Staffing is our greatest expenditure and that cost goes up year after year. The City of Cotati continues to increase its staffing formula and those salaries will be paid whether there is work or not. Retirement incentives need to be explored to rejuvenate our city staff. It would appear that the only journeyman position is that of City Manager. All others are seemingly held for perpetuity. We must live within our means. We must outsource according to our needs rather than hire on for eternity.
We must generate an ongoing tax base to draw upon. Development impacts our infrastructure and does not sustain revenue. We must encourage business and sales tax revenue to sustain us after we are built out. Short sighted plans leave us all short. We must grow a tax base which will sustain us into the next century. Blaming Sacramento will not ease our needs to be self- sufficient. Surrounding towns and cities have far more tax base and business. What is going to sustain our community? We need more business, it is that simple.