The City of Cotati means the residents of Cotati not out of town staff and interests.
I enjoy the diverse nature of Cotati and its citizens. I hope to represent and hear from all members of our community and treat all citizens with respect. I seek to represent members of our community and put their interests first in decisions. For far too long councils have focused on what is good for city staff as opposed to what is good for the citizens of Cotati. Too many councils have become apologists for the city staff instead of holding them accountable and having a genuine review of their performance. The citizens of Cotati cannot tolerate incompetance. Staff must be held accountable for their actions and inaction. City staff needs to become customer friendly and put the needs of Cotati's citizens first and foremost in all of their transactions. We can ill afford four day work weeks and offices closed during the lunch hour. The city needs to orient itself to serve the needs of our citizens. All departments should be customer friendly and be prepared for annual reviews of their effectiveness. That should be the benchmark of their performance reviews.