There is a prevailing overemphasis on "high stakes testing." This emphasis on standardized tests has severely diminished the teachers' ability to educate their students.
There is a prevailing overemphasis on "high stakes testing." This emphasis on standardized tests has severely diminished the teachers' ability to educate their students. Standardized tests also have been proven to be racially and economically biased--creating yet another barrier to a decent life for underprivileged youth of color. George Bush's No Child Left Behind has made the situation even worse. This law is fundamentally punitive and places even more focus on racist standardized tests. The assessment requirements in No Child Left Behind have led to further devaluing of non-tested subjects such as social studies, music, art and physical education. In addition, this law does not authorize nearly enough funding to meet its own requirements. It is purposely designed for failure. This law, coupled with the preexisting craze for high stakes testing, has begun to transform our schools, particularly those serving low-income children, into simple test-prep programs. Also, the rigorous testing regime punishes teachers who choose to work in under-resourced schools and fosters the inaccurate view that most of the nation's public schools are failing.