Children need SOCIAL INTERACTION while growing up. This can be achieved through extra curricular activities. Whether in be through sports, social activities, or specialized clubs it will instill interpersonal skills, problem solving techniques, and build self-esteem that will be invaluable to them now and later in life. This is an area that they will take with them and instill in their children. Children will live what they learn. We must give them nothing but the best, in all areas!
We can produce well rounded children. Giving them access to a complete line of sporting activities is important. Football, baseball, volleyball, soccer, tennis, track & field, cheerleading, and swimming are just to name a few. They need social activities as well, school dances, field trips, college visitations, and career days are just a few of a long list to choose from. Social clubs can also be a benefit. Math Club, Chess Club, Band, and Jr.Rotc are just a few clubs that can be established. All of the above are ways that will instill Self-Confidence in our children and give them the "Can Do" mentality. Together we will produce Self-Confident, Independent, and Problem Solving children with a high level of Self-Esteem and Civic Responsibility