I would like to share with you my Goals/Priorities, Community Involvement, and Education/Work Experience.
La Palma is a great city and I am proud to live here. Our streets are safe, our budget is balanced, and we have a great quality of life. I want to Protect Our Community.
Goals and Priorities:
- Protecting our financial stability and preparing our city for future challenges
- Sustaining high quality police and fire protection
- Protecting our strong property values
- Continuing beautification projects within the city
- Ensuring fair code enforcement policies to maintain our quality of life
- Strengthening our community involvement through recreation services
- Continuing to build partnerships with surrounding schools and communities
I want to make a difference. I care about what happens in our city and I am continuously volunteering
within our community.
Community Involvement:
- Community Activities and Beautification Committee
- Kiwanis Club of La Palma
- La Palma Days Planning Committee
- Attended every City Council meeting since November 2003
- Attend the La Palma United Methodist Church
My financial work experience and education provides me with the background to help lead La Palma through the challenging years ahead.
Education and Experience:
- As a Business Consultant and with a background as a Business Analyst in the mortgage industry, I understand the importance of preserving strong property values
- MBA degree from UC Irvine
- BS in Industrial Engineering from USC
I am dedicated to serving our citizens in maintaining our superior quality of life.
I am passionate about Protecting Our Community.