I believe that in eight years the Fullerton City Government will own the West Coyote Hills property. We need to prepare to make our final decision on this issue.
In the six years that I have attended the meetings of the Fullerton City Council I have seen the city government try to deal with this issue. I am not satisfied with the results.
The members of the city council have assumed that the Friends of the Coyote Hills will remain weak and have no say on this issue. I hope that they are wrong about that. I would like to see that organization increase the number of its mailing list and its financial support to become a force to be reconned with in eight years.
The members of the City Council are only listening to the developer's side od this issue. I want a new city council that will listen to both sides of the issues.
The city council has written the redevelopment contract so that money can only be sprnd to develop that land. I want to re-write that contract so that money can be used to develop or preserve the land when the final decision is made eight years from now.