|Candidate_Dir: ca/state/vote/redick_d |Contest_Dir: ca/state/race/caasm24r |County_List: Santa Clara |Residential_County: Santa Clara |Office_Title: Member of the State Assembly; District 24; Republican Party |Preparer_Last_Name: Redick |Preparer_First_Name: David |Preparer_Email: redickd@aol.com |Preparer_Email_OK: Y |Preparer_Phone: 408-568-2588 |Preparer_Address: 1520 Branham Ln. #57 |Preparer_City_State_Zip: San Jose, CA 95118 |Agree_To_Terms: Y |Candidate_Last_Name: Redick |Candidate_First_Name: David |Candidate_Familiar_Name: Dave |Campaign_WWW_URL: http://www.joindavid.org |Campaign_Email: dave@joindavid.org |Campaign_Street_Address: 1520 Branham Ln. #57 |Campaign_City_State_Zip: San Jose, CA 95118 |Campaign_Phone: 408-568-2588 |Occupation: Businessman/Engineer/Developer |Bio_Highlight_1: 30 years in hi-tech sales and management. Co-founder of venture capital funded data communications carrier in San Jose in 2000 |Bio_Highlight_2: BS Engineering, Univ. of Mich.; MBA, Santa Clara Univ. |Bio_Highlight_3: Candidate for US Congress in Calif. Dis. 1 (Sonoma and north) in 1982 and 1984 |Bio_Highlight_4: Support and endorsement letter from Ronald Reagan |Full_Biography: Political Experience: I have been an activist for better government for many years, and feel that I am very well informed on the many issues concerning both our state and the nation. In 1977, I needed to decide when to sell some property, so I checked on economic trends and was disturbed to learn how much damage government intervention was causing. I concluded that most programs and laws that exceed the above 'protection of rights' principle do more harm than good when all the side effects and violation of citizen's rights are included. That sparked my interest, so I checked on personal and social matters and came to the same conclusion. Since then I have been an ardent reader and investigator of many sources on government activity and analysis (think tanks, news, individuals). I was the Libertarian candidate for US Congress in District CA-01 (Sonoma County and northward up the coast) in 1982 (won 3% of the vote), and as a Republican in 1984 (38%). Ronald Reagan wrote me a letter of endorsement and support. Personal: Married with 2 adult children. First a resident of the Bay area (Palo Alto) in 1961, then Portola Valley until 1974. Lived in Saratoga 2000 to 2003. Now a resident of San Jose. Education: BS Eng., Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, MI; MBA (Economics and Marketing), Santa Clara Univ., Santa Clara, CA. Business Experience: a) Aerospace engineer 1958-64, b) Telecom sales, and management since 1965, including CEO of a 30-engineer wireless consulting firm, and cofounder of a venture capital funded data communications startup in San Jose in March, 2000. Contact: Tel 408-979-0754, cell 408-568-2588, dave@joindavid.org |Political_Priority_1: Taxation, economics and Law: Avoid damage to personal and economic activity by repealing or modifying laws that exceed the government's proper role. |Political_Priority_2: Education: Improve results by bringing more local choice for teachers, parents and administrators as to curriculum, and which school to attend. |Political_Priority_3: Environmment: Avoid damage to air, land, water, flora and fauna, while not violating property rights |Political_Philosophy: VOTE FOR DAVID * HELP ARNOLD Our Goals: They are 'our' goals because we will reach them by working together. With the election of Arnold Schwarzenneger as Governor, we have an historic opportunity to restore California to the greatness it has known and can have again. I worked in his campaign, and now I want to `Join Arnold' to finish the job of restoration and reform in the years ahead to `Bring California Back!' That means scrapping the tax-and-spend policies of the past. Pandering to special interests to win campaign donations and votes must end. My special interest is the success of the people and State of California. Thanks in advance for your personal and financial support. Together we can win back District 24, the prior home of a great Republican Jim Cunneen for 3 terms from 1994, and in the same area as 5 term US Congressman and State Senator Tom Campbell. I offer below my thoughts on how our government should work, and some personal information. A paper with my positions on various issues is available on request. Principles: Most elected officials take positions based on their feelings, personal preferences, and pressure from the special interest groups who gave them money or votes. My positions are based on an objective principle which is; "The proper role of government is to protect the personal and property rights of its citizens, as individuals, from violation or threat by others." This approach yields consistent results that build a better government. Notice that as a protector of rights, the government is not our owner, manager, or mother. Notable points are, a) your body is your property, b) the government needs police, courts and national defense to do its job, all used within the rules of the Constitution, and c) there are no group rights (every citizen has the same rights). The maze of 'social engineering' laws that tell us how to live, do much more harm than good. My approach emphasizes liberty, personal responsibility, and limited government, which is consistent with our Constitution, and history shows it results in maximum peace, prosperity, ethics, and justice. Look at the conditions in countries around the world and judge for yourself. Legislative Focus: The following four areas are of special interest to me because of their importance to the future of California. They will be my focus for work (committees and research) after election. Key sources of ideas and information (in addition to public news and reports) are shown for each. A. Taxation, Economics, and Law: Goal: Avoid damage to personal and business activity by repealing or modifying laws that violate the above principle. Assure new laws comply. Idea Sources: The CatoInstitute, Reason Foundation, Pacific Research Inst. (their Pres. Sally Pipes is on Arnold's transition team), The Civil Justice Assoc. of California (CJAC), Institute for Justice, Ludwig von Mises Inst., and Pacific Legal Fdn. B. Education: Goal: Improve results by bringing more local CHOICE for teachers, parents and administrators as to school types and curriculum. Idea Sources: The Milton and Rose Friedman Fdn, Stossel in the Classroom C. Health Services: Goal: Work for quality care at minimum cost. Idea Sources: Direct contact with hospital administrators, nurses, doctors, and government individuals and their organizations. D. Environment: Goal: Avoid damage to the environment, while not violating rights of owners. Source of ideas: PERC-the Center for Free Market Environmentalism, The Sierra Club, and others. |Featured_Endorsement_1: Silicon Valley Young Republicans |Featured_Endorsement_2: More soon, stay tuned |Question_1: What does California need to do to address the current budget crisis? |Answer_1: 1. Reduce spending 2. Increase income by not scaring away companies due to excess taxes and fees (the Laffer curve) 3. Approve bonds as a short term fix to avoid default on committed expenses |Question_2: What should the state's priorities be for K-12 education? For the Community College System? |Answer_2: 1. K-12; Improve results by bringing more local choice for teachers, parents and administrators as to curriculum, and which school to attend. Spread source of tax revenue beyond current primary source; property owners. 2. Community College: Increase fees |Question_3: What measures would you support to address California's water needs? |Answer_3: 1. Increase fees to reflect actual costs for residential, commercial, agriculture, and government users. 2. Renegotiate 'sweetheart' agricultural deals that allow wasteful use of cheap water for irrigation. 3. There is enough water if wasteful use (due to low cost) is reduced |Question_4: What should the Legislature be doing to address the needs of California's without health insurance? |Answer_4: 1. Eliminate 'free care' mandates now imposed on hospitals who now must give free care to anyone who goes to emergency room for care. These costs are reflected in higher fees to those who pay for their care, including insurance rates. 2. Many without insurance have chosen to use the free access in item 1, and would otherwise buy insurance.