The questions were prepared by the League of Women Voters of California and asked of all candidates for this office.
See below for questions on
Federal Resources,
Foreign Policy,
Federal Budget
Click on a name for other candidate information. See also more information about this contest.
1. What can be done to ensure that California gets its fair share of federal resources?
Answer from Mike Garza:
We need to strengthen Republican representation in California's Congressional delegation, so California gets its fair share of Committee Chairs and federal resources!
Letting the Democrats have a majority in this state's delegation is depriving California of its fair share of
political influence in Washington, D.C.!
Answer from Chris Huskins:
Twelve years ago, California received $.93 back for every $1.00 sent to Washington, D.C. In 2002, that figure had dropped to $.76. This $.17 discrepany equates to tens of billions of dollars every year, enough to cover California's massive budget deficit. We must diversify our US Congressional delegation, especially in the Bay Area, to ensure that this great state is recognized on both sides of the aisle for the contributions we make to the nation. We must elect effective advocates for the people of California.
2. What are your foreign policy priorities for the United States?
Answer from Mike Garza:
Support the President and Republicans in Congress in their
fight against :
1. Global terrorism and nuclear profileration
2. International drug-dealing and "white slave" trade
3. Spread of AIDS in Africa and world-wide
Answer from Chris Huskins:
My priorities include the following:
1. Win the war against international terrorism.
2. Identify State sponsors of terrorism and offer them
incentives to change course.
3. Establishment of a Palestinian State at peace with
it's neighbors.
4. Containment and eradication of AIDS worldwide.
5. Establishment of CAFTA (Central American Free Trade
Agreement) and TAFTA (Trans-Atlantic Free Trade
3. What are your priorities for the federal budget?
Answer from Chris Huskins:
My priorities are to ensure that we have a thriving and robust economy providing sufficient revenue to fund operations and eliminate large deficits. I would like to see spending increases limited to the rate of inflation plus population growth.
On an item by item basis, highest priority must be given to security and defense issues. Other high priority areas include fully funding education and the No Child Left Behind Act, as well as Medicare and Social Security.
Answer from Mike Garza:
1. Halt unnecessary government "pork-barrel" spending and
all subsidies to the tobacco trade
2. Get rid of Ethanol and other unnecessary regulations
which raise gas prices to consumers
3. Increase rents charged for private exploitation of
federal land for timber, oil, cattle and minerals
4. Improve safety of our meat supply, i.e., adequate
testing to eliminate "mad cow" and other dangers
Responses to questions asked of each candidate
are reproduced as submitted to the League.
The order of the candidates is random and changes daily.