This information is provided by the candidate
- Spouse: Clarence A. Boyd, Jr.
- Children: 24-year old Son, 1997 graduate of Skyline High
17-year old Son, Skyline High
16-year old Son, Skyline High
11-year old Daughter, Howard Elem.(Special Ed)
- 1974 Bachelor of Science in Education, Univ. of Colorado (Boulder)
- 1975 Masters of Arts in Education, Univ. of Michigan (Ann Arbor)
Volunteer Work at Alameda County
- 2003 Vice-President, Alameda County Developmental Disabilities Planning and Advisory Council
- 2001-2003 Board Member, Alameda County Developmental Disabilities Planning and Advisory Council
Volunteer Work at Oakland Public Schools
- 1991-1994 Member, School Site Council, Montera Middle School
- 1992-1994 President, PTA, Montera Middle School
- 1994-1996 Member, School Site Council, Skyline High
- 1995-1998 Net Day, Skyline High School
- 1995-1998 Parent Member, Measure C Committee
- 1996 Parent Member, Standardized Test Adoption Committee
- 1997-1998 Parent Member, Tech. Integration Committee
- 1997-1998 Chair, School Site Council, Munck Elementary
- 1996-1997 PTA Computer Technology, Skyline High
- 1997 Parent Member, Photography Task Force
- 1997-2001 Parent Member, Disrict Budget Advisory Comm.
- 1999-2003 Vice-Chair, District Advisory Council
- 2000-2001 Member, School Site Council, Montera Middle School
- 2000-2002 Member, School Site Council, Skyline High
- 2001-2003 Member, School Site Council, Howard Elementary
- 2001-2003 Member, GATE Committee, Skyline High
- 2001-2003 Co-Chair, African American Education Task Force
- 2000-2003 Member, School-to-Careers Partnership
- 2002-2003 Parent Member, District GATE Advisory Committee
- 2000-2003 Skyline High Youth Together Center
- 2003-2004 Member, Governing Board, Skyline Youth Together Center
- 1999 Marcus Foster Distinguished Family Award
- 2003 Alameda County School Board Public Education Service Award
Work Experience
- 1975-1977 Teacher, Center for Occupational and Personalized Education
- 1978-1979 Teacher, Pacifica, CA, Alternative Classroom
- 1981-1983 Lecturer, Information Science, S.F. State University
- 1983-1985 Director/Manager, Info-Sci Computing Facility, S.F. State University
- 1994-2003 Co-Owner, Atrium Medical Software