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Smart Voter
Hamilton County, OH November 4, 2003 Election
Candidates Answer Questions on the Issues
Mayor; Village of Glendale

The questions were prepared by the League of Women Voters of the Cincinnati Area and asked of all candidates for this office.

See below for questions on Top Priority, Planning, Recycling

Click on a name for other candidate information.   See also more information about this contest.

1. How would you implement your top priority?

Answer from Monica L. Alles-White:

I will develop a positive working relationship with our local real estate agents, by having monthly breakfast meetings to develop strategies to attract young families as home buyers.

Be a strong advocate for supporting the wishes of the taxpayers that approved the school building levy last spring, and work directly with school representatives and residents to address ways to increase enrollment at Glendale Elementary, and be actively involved with any redistricting plans for the school.

Hold monthly "Mayor's Night Out" meetings to provide residents an informal convenient forum to express their view and ask questions.

Answer from Thomas U. Todd:

The Village Council and administration has started working on some of the goals and objectives of the long range plan. There is a village committee or organization that has as its mission one of the areas that the plan is concerned about. I have met with each of these organizations to give them an agenda to work on. In this way many village residents will become involved in working on the plan.

2. Numerous important issues including transportation, land use planning, housing and economic development for the Greater Hamilton County regions are being deliberated by OKI's Land Use Commission and Hamilton County Regional Planning Commission and Planning Partnership COMPASS; how engaged should local government be in these planning activities? If elected, how would you participate in these planning activities?

Answer from Thomas U. Todd:

I attended the area wide COMPASS meeting at Music Hall last spring. We have continued to receive the literature. Glendale has continued to develop our land in accordance with our Planning Commissions wishes. Glendale is now almost totally developed in accordance with our zoning ordinances. We will continue to participate in the COMPASS Program

Answer from Monica L. Alles-White:

Our latest village plan does address many of these issues. Village administration needs to be present at meetings so that our village's views are represented and addressed. Networking on solutions to transportation problems is a must. In fact, coordinated efforts with neighboring communities can increase the likelihood of real solutions to traffic issues that effect our community.

3. Ohio Department of Natural Resources in partnership with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the National Recycling Coalition conducted a state-specific study and found recycling businesses in Ohio generated $650.6 million dollars in state government revenue. If elected how would you promote recycling and support recycling programs currently in place in your community to reduce solid waste generation?

Answer from Monica L. Alles-White:

Currently, the village has bins near the sewer treatment plant that residents can take their items to be recycled. Future contracts with waste and refuse providers can explore more convenient door-to-door recycling for our residents. Also, administration could offer regular columns reminding our residents of our recycling program in the village.

Answer from Thomas U. Todd:

Glendale already promotes recycling at one location. We have been very successful. We have considered curbside recyling, but so far it had been too expensive for our limited budget. If funds could be found, I would certainly support curbside recycling. This would encourage more residents to recycle in their own home.

Responses to questions asked of each candidate are reproduced as submitted to the League.  Candidates' statements are presented as submitted. The answers will not exceed 75 words. Direct references to opponents are not permitted.

The order of the candidates is random and changes daily.

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Created: December 19, 2003 15:09 PST
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