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Smart Voter
Hamilton County, OH November 4, 2003 Election
Candidates Answer Questions on the Issues
Trustee; Township of Delhi; 4 Year Term

The questions were prepared by the League of Women Voters of the Cincinnati Area and asked of all candidates for this office.

See below for questions on Top Priority, Planning, Recycling

Click on a name for other candidate information.   See also more information about this contest.

1. How would you implement your top priority?

Answer from Nicholas J. LaScalea:

1. (Parks) Consolidate all parks headed by Road and Bridge purchase 6 acres for lollipop soccer ($200,000.00). Continue more at Storywood Park consolidated with Rapid Run School. Acquire more green space & add to Western Wildlife Corridor.
2. (Roads) Aggressively pursue grants for road construction and repaving.
3. (Firehouses) 2 new ones + Need & Rapid Run to establish new and innovative programs and training.

Answer from Albert C. Duebber:

I will organize an agressive outreach effort that will promote the many attributes and qualities of Delhi Township as a great place to locate and grow a business. I will create a business advisory committee that will report to the township administration and elected officials on matters that effect commerce in the township. I will strive to make the business community stakeholders in township government.

2. Numerous important issues including transportation, land use planning, housing and economic development for the Greater Hamilton County regions are being deliberated by OKI's Land Use Commission and Hamilton County Regional Planning Commission and Planning Partnership COMPASS; how engaged should local government be in these planning activities? If elected, how would you participate in these planning activities?

Answer from Nicholas J. LaScalea:

Delhi Township is and has been, since its inception, very actively engaged in COMPASS. I have been to many sessions and zoning board members also participate actively in COMPASS planning activities.

Answer from Albert C. Duebber:

I am a member of the Western Wildlife Corridor Association and as such I actively support the preservation of our hillsides and the retension of valuable greenspace in our community. I will direct township adminsitration to participate in activities and meetings that promote responsible growth in our community.

3. Ohio Department of Natural Resources in partnership with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the National Recycling Coalition conducted a state-specific study and found recycling businesses in Ohio generated $650.6 million dollars in state government revenue. If elected how would you promote recycling and support recycling programs currently in place in your community to reduce solid waste generation?

Answer from Albert C. Duebber:

I have supported the "clean-up" campaign sponsored by Delhi Township and Rumpke Environmental for many years. I will continue to promote initiatives that will result in effective residential and commercial recycling programs in our community. I will work to create and develop an effective "adoption" program for the clean up of our township roadways.

Answer from Nicholas J. LaScalea:

We have Delhi clean up days. Recycling is common in playground equipment, park benches, picnic tables, streetscapes, paper and office supplies. Aluminum collection stations.

Responses to questions asked of each candidate are reproduced as submitted to the League.  Candidates' statements are presented as submitted. The answers will not exceed 75 words. Direct references to opponents are not permitted.

The order of the candidates is random and changes daily.

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Created: December 19, 2003 15:09 PST
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