Highlights of beliefs, accomplishments, and areas of continued interest
Ø Schools belong to the community
- Actively listen and respond to community concerns, striking a balance among teachers, administrative staff, and community input, and remaining independent in thought.
- Foster community involvement and support of our schools.
- Foster cooperation with public agencies to provide improved/additional services.
- Support educational choice (opened magnet schools and single track year-round schools).
- Involved in initial discussion and formation of the San Mateo/Foster City Education Foundation, Kids and Families First (community/interagency partnership), and Goals 2000 consortium (student technology standards and interagency collaboration).
Ø Maintain fiscal responsibility
- Led recently success Measure B Parcel Tax effort.
- Work with the SM/FC Community Education Foundation and Fiscal Advisory Committee to increase funding for our students.
- Advocate in Sacramento for funding equalization, PERS reduction, and the successful effort that resulted in reimbursement of mandated costs for Special Education.
- Monitor facilities modernization expenditures.
- Support all community and legislative efforts to increase school funding.
Ø Continue to monitor all programs to ensure high standards and program effectiveness for all students
- Focus on strategic plan implementation.
- Focus upon support of and accountability from our low-performing schools.
- Focus on and improve services to our English Language Learners and at-risk students.
- Strengthen and better define the GATE program. Ensure communications channels are open and available to parents.
- Support and expand fine and performing arts, and sports activities for all students.
- Support and expand global educational opportunities for all students.
- Maintain and demonstrate the highest standards of ethical and collegial behaviour among board members. Introduced to the board, California School Boards Association (CSBA) governance standards for individual board members and the board as a whole.
Ø Early intervention leads to greater student success and self-esteem
- Support quality preschool education, preschool standards development, and pushed for pre-third grade checkpoints and supports in the Promotion/Retention Policy.
Ø Proven ability and experience to know the right questions to ask
- WRONG question: To sprinkle or not to sprinkle (fire alarm system).
RIGHT question: What students/staff health and safety issues need to be addressed by facilities modernization? This is now an integral part of the Facilities Master Plan.
- WRONG question: "Conceptual thinking" or "drill and kill" (math curriculum)
RIGHT question: What different instructional strategies and curricular approaches are utilized to support each student's learning style so that s/he will have the necessary skills and conceptual understanding to master state mathematical standards and excel?