This information is provided by the candidate
Dear Friends,
As the Democratic nominee for Congress, I ask for your support on November 5th.
For the past six years, I have worked hard in the Assembly to improve the quality of life for all of us here in the Central Valley:
- I wrote the 25% Vehicle License Fee reduction, a tax cut that saves all of us money when we register our cars and trucks each year.
- In a region with some of the most unhealthy air in the nation, I wrote the just-signed legislation protecting Central Valley residents from second-hand smog by forcing the San Francisco Bay Area to comply with the same tough Smog II standards that we have had here for years.
- I wrote the cuts in the Tractor Tax and on propane gas to help make it a little easier for family farms to survive.
- I wrote a tax cut for low income seniors and disabled Californians.
- I've worked with local law enforcement to write legislation to protect our communities, was named Legislator of the Year two times by the State Sherriffs' Association and have received the endorsement of all three sheriffs in the district.
- I worked hard to ensure that the next University of California campus would be located here in the Central Valley so that our children would have a greater opportunity to get a quality education, and to create new jobs in an area faced with record unemployment.
Those are just a few of the many ways I tried to make our lives all a little easier while in the Assembly. If elected to Congress, I plan to continue fighting the good fight to help out people in my district-
- To make sure that when we retire, our Social Security will be there waiting for us, and not squandered in risky privatization schemes.
- To prevent seniors from having to choose between filling their prescriptions and filling their refrigerators.
- I will fight alongside our President to ensure that our children grow up in a country that is safe and secure.
- I promise to provide our Great Central Valley and America with dedicated, quality representation.
Thank you for your time and consideration and I hope I can earn your support by November 5th.