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Jolanda Schreurs, Ph.D.
3,467 votes
Official Ballot Statement
- Occupation: Scientific Consulting/Mother
- PhD Pharmacology, Stanford / B.S. Cornell Univ.
- Scientist, Project Manager, Department Head - Biotech R&D
- Scientific Illustration for Graduate Level Textbook, Seminars, Slide Shows
- 7 yrs of service as Co-Chair Measure K ($35M facilities bond), PTA President, Site Council Chair, Operation Band-Aid, etc see Bio
- Mom- 2 Cabrillo students in 9th& 5th grade; lit clubs, science fairs, book fairs, band, wrestling team, mathathons, art shows
- flutist, avid book reader, multi-lingual (fluent Dutch- high school French),
- Excellence in educational content, programs, and opportunities for ALL children
- Increase revenue- to support teachers, staff, programs, services (busing)
- Build a middle school- Wavecrest, or an alternate site large enough to support Boys/Girls Club
Dwight Wilson
3,133 votes
Official Ballot Statement
- Occupation: Incumbent
- Co-Director, Extended Care/VA/Palo Alto
- Master's Degree/Aging & Nursing
- Board President, Coastside Children Progs
- Chair, Measure K (Bond Issue) for CUSD
- Past President, San Mateo Co VNA
- Past President, HMB Sports Club (soccer)
- Continue to improve academic performance
- Increase funding for our schools
- Finalize planning and construction of a new middle school
Roy Salume
2,847 votes
Official Ballot Statement
- Occupation: Facilities Management Consultant
- CUSD Master Facilities Advisory Committee Member
- 1996 School Bond Initiative Co-Chair (Half Moon Bay)
- School Site Council (Hatch 1994-1996)
- PTA Board (Hatch - 1997)
- Scouting leader
- Heald Engineering College; USC
- Put the education of our students first - I choose governance over politics
- Use my practical facilities design, construction, and management experience to get our new Middle School built quickly
- Minimizing the impact of the state budget shortfall on our students and schools - Address the long term financials of our school district
Karen Wilson
2,328 votes
Official Ballot Statement
- Occupation: Businesswoman/Visual Communications
- Midcoast Community Council (MCC)
- Volunteer with severely disabled children
- Coastside Design Review
- Small business owner
- Restore student busing
- Keep parents informed
- Build a middle school now
Jonathan Lundell
2,305 votes
Official Ballot Statement
- Occupation: Chief Engineer
- Former board chairman of two Silicon Valley corporations
- Former Chief Technology Officer of three Silicon Valley corporations
- Educational background: philosophy, New College
- Restore community trust in school district governance.
- Facilities planning: community accountability should be a reality, not just a promise.
- Budget: Clear explanations. Long-range planning. No whining.
Susan Foley
2,160 votes
Official Ballot Statement
- Occupation: Special Education Advocate
- Law Degree, Witkin Award, Academic Excellence
- Parent of students in the Cabrillo Unified School District
- Paralegal - 16 years
- Medical Field, Human Resources Experience
- Volunteer - AYSO Soccer, Little League, Shelter for Abused Women
- Robert W. Crown Award for Public Service, 2002
- Restore Public Trust of the Cabrillo Unified School Board
- Restore Transportation Service to All Students
- Address the Budget "Crisis" with Students' and Teachers' needs as the top priority
Basic candidate data supplied by the applicable elections official.
All candidates have been invited to supply additional information to Smart Voter.
Order of candidates is random and changes daily.
Official Information
- Election Information in Spanish
- Election Information in Chinese
- Candidates Forum for Cabrillo Unified School District
- Monday, Sept. 30, Farallone View Elementary School
- Candidates Forum for Cabrillo Unified School District
- Monday, October 7, 7:30 - 9:00 pm, Canada Cove Community Room, Half Moon Bay
- Candidates Forum
- Wednesday, October 16, 7 pm, Half Moon Bay High School, sponsored by Half Moon Bay High School Parent Advisory Group
News and Analysis
San Mateo County Times
General Links
Cabrillo Unified School District
New! League of Women Voters California "Guide to Government"
Links to sources outside of Smart Voter are provided for information only and do not imply endorsement.