Click on ballot measure for more detail.
- Measure A.
Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority Measure
-- County of Santa Clara
(Advisory vote only)
248,324 /
82.9% Yes votes ......
51,086 /
17.1% No votes
- Shall the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority continue to plan, design, construct and provide transit services as described in the official Valley Transportation Plan 2020 (VTP 2020) as adopted on December 14, 2000?
- Measure B.
Transportation Program Financing
-- County of Santa Clara
(Majority Approval Required)
224,234 /
74.3% Yes votes ......
77,758 /
25.7% No votes
- TO EASE TRAFFIC CONGESTION AND MAKE CRITICAL ROAD REPAIRS, WITHOUT RAISING ANY NEW TAXES, shall Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority Ordinance 11.02.01, allocating the future State Transportation Improvement Program and discretionary federal funds identified in the August, 2000 Valley Transportation Plan 2020 Expenditure Plan TO IMPROVE THE COUNTY'S HIGHEST PRIORITY HIGHWAYS, EXPRESSWAYS, BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES AND LOCAL STREET AND ROAD REPAIRS, with transit improvements still funded through VTA's half-cent sales tax approved in November 2000, be adopted?
- Measure C.
Occupancy Tax
-- City of Morgan Hill
(Majority Approval Required)
4,875 /
73.7% Yes votes ......
1,743 /
26.3% No votes
- Shall Ordinance 1580, New Series, be adopted to authorize the City to continue to impose the Transient Occupancy Tax at the current rate of 10% of the room rate?
- Measure D.
Library and Community Center Facilities
-- City of Palo Alto
(Bond Issue - 2/3 Approval Required)
12,557 /
61.5% Yes votes ......
7,859 /
38.5% No votes
- To improve library and community services for children by expanding Children's Library to provide needed space and safety repairs; rebuilding and expanding the Mitchell Park Library and Community Center for all community users; and, to meet current health and safety codes by making plumbing, heating, ventilation, and lighting system upgrades to 50-year-old systems in all three facilities, shall the City of Palo Alto issue $49.1 million in bonds, subject to independent citizen oversight and annual audits?
- Measure E.
School Construction
-- City of San Jose
(Majority Approval Required)
87,460 /
62.9% Yes votes ......
51,557 /
37.1% No votes
- To reduce classroom shortage, shall the City of San José be authorized to lease a portion of Ramblewood Park to Franklin-McKinley School District for any legally allowed term, but not less than 40 years, to allow construction of a new school on 0.56 acres, accomodating approximately 450 students, and to allow the District to use the park for school-related recreational uses, if the District's study identifies Ramblewood Park as the most feasible site?
- Measure F.
Convention Center
-- City of San Jose
(Special Tax - 2/3 Approval Required)
94,896 /
65.0% Yes votes ......
51,064 /
35.0% No votes
- To provide the ability to create jobs, attract business and serve as a citywide emergency disaster shelter by improving safety, security and future expansion of the San Jose Convention Center, shall the City be authorized to increase the transient occupancy tax (hotel levy), by 4%, paid only by hotel guests and visitors, with no increase in local property taxes, a citizens oversight committee, and guaranteed annual financial audits?
- Measure G.
School Bond
-- Cambrian School District
(55% Approval Required)
5,342 /
73.8% Yes votes ......
1,901 /
26.2% No votes
- Shall Cambrian Elementary School District repair 40-year old local schools, improve student safety conditions, upgrade wiring for technology and safety standards, install energy efficient heating/cooling systems, replace aging plumbing, fix leaky roofs/bathrooms, repair, construct, acquire, equip libraries, classrooms, and current sites, qualify for State matching funds, by issuing $20,975,000 of bonds at legal interest rates, appoint a Citizens Oversight Committee and perform audits to ensure no bond money is used for administrators' salaries?
- Measure H.
Parcel Tax
-- Los Altos School District
(Parcel Tax - 2/3 Approval Required)
11,384 /
70.7% Yes votes ......
4,710 /
29.3% No votes
- To hire, train, retain teachers, provide competitive teacher salaries, fund school libraries, purchase textbooks, preserve science classes/modern labs, maintain neighborhood schools and small class size, protect junior high electives like music, foreign language, computer classes, and balance the educational program, shall Los Altos School District increase its existing parcel tax and annual appropriations limit by $333/parcel beginning July 1, 2003, with independent citizens' oversight of expenditures and exemptions for parcels owned/occupied by person 65 years/older?
- Measure I.
School Bond
-- Gilroy Unified School District
(School Bond - 55% Approval Required)
5,795 /
62.7% Yes votes ......
3,441 /
37.3% No votes
- To make schools safe, relieve overcrowding, and qualify for State matching funds, shall Gilroy Unified School District repair and renovate local schools, including: upgrade deteriorated plumbing and bathrooms; repair aging roofs; install energy efficient heating/cooling; replace portables with permanent classrooms; increase electrical capacity; construct, acquire, and improve classrooms and schools, including Phase 1 of a new high school; by issuing $69,000,000 of bonds at legal interest rates, with citizen oversight and no money for staff salaries?
- Measure J.
Parcel Tax
-- East Side Union High School District
(Parcel Tax - 2/3 Approval Required)
39,781 /
58.9% Yes votes ......
27,715 /
41.1% No votes
- To train staff and students to use technology, attract and retain quality credentialed teachers and increase student safety at Andrew Hill, Evergreen Valley, Foothill, Independence, James Lick, Mt. Pleasant, Oak Grove, Piedmont Hills, Santa Teresa, Silver Creek, Overfelt and Yerba Buena, shall the East Side Union High School District levy an annual tax of $49.75 per parcel (4.15 per month) while providing a senior citizen exemption, no money is used for administrative salaries and a citizens' oversight committee is established?
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