I call for the separation of school and State.
Reduce class size; encourage legal home schooling.
Think out of the box.
The State of California gives billions of dollars to the IUSD that never appears to be enough. The City government should not attempt to act like the State government by doling out millions to public schools to the exclusion of our private school system. This blending of government entities could form one large bureaucracy which doesn't work. According to the CA Dept. of Education, 57% of Orange County high school students FAILED the math exit exams and 27% FAILED the English exam. Our students do better in Irvine, because of the efforts of parents and private education utilizing organizations such as Hooked on Phonics,Kumon math, Score, Premier, and religious and cultual specialty schools.
As a former educator myself, it is clear that we need NEW, fresh ideas to invigorate our system.
Reduce class size. Encourage legal home schooling.
Increase opportunities for online education.
As a councilmember, I will look to NEW ideas and oppose any renewed attempts at another parcel tax.