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Los Angeles County, CA November 5, 2002 Election
Smart Voter

By Julia Brownley

Candidate for Member, Board of Education; Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District

This information is provided by the candidate

It has been an honor to serve the Santa Monica Malibu Unified School District as a member of the Board of Education. I currently serve as President of the Board. I am running for re-election because I believe in public school education and value its role as a critical social institution in our society.

I believe all children can and should achieve at extraordinarily high levels and I will continue to be committed to the most ambitious course of improvement possible for our district to ensure every student's success.

I am running for re-election because I am deeply committed to making our district a model school district in the state of California and even the country. Our reputation will be one of closing the achievement gap, of beating the educational odds in California where privilege and poverty stand side by side, and of our belief that all children can and will achieve at extraordinarily high levels.

We are working hard to move beyond a district culture where the paradigm for reform is voluntary and experiential to a paradigm of district wide coherence that is focused on the highest quality of teaching and learning. The collective effort of the district must be consistently and persistently focused on students and their achievement. We have a truly wonderful school system, but until every child has an equal opportunity and every child achieves at extraordinary levels, then our work is not done!

My vision for the school district is that every child's experience in school will be so rich and connected, that it will be a life changing experience. Every child will feel able and confident. And finally, every child will have a deeply personalized education and will experience the very best teaching possible.

I am a school board member who is truly committed to educational excellence. I have enjoyed serving the school community and I pledge four more years of working hard for students, parents, and the community. I will continue to hold the highest aspirations for our students. I will continue to listen carefully and make policy decisions thoughtfully. With your help now and your guidance later, we can make our school district the very best it can be. I hope you will give me the opportunity to serve another term on the school board.

BIOGRAPHY AND EXPERIENCE Julia has B.A. in Political Science and Public Affairs and a M.B.A. degree from American University in Washington, D.C.

Julia has served on the Board of Education since 1994. She has served two years as President and two years as Vice President. She is a voting delegate for the California School Board Association and Board member to the Los Angeles County School Trustees Association. Julia has been a past PTA President and a past Board member to the Santa Monica-Malibu Education Foundation. She is a member of SMRR, NWPC, Santa Monica Democratic Club and the Malibu Democratic Club.

Julia Brownley for School Board ·Jody Priselac, Treasurer ID#922151 2615 26th Street, Santa Monica 90405

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