We must plan Now for the future of South Lake Tahoe. We must continue to plant seeds for the next generation.
South Lake Tahoe is in need of economic revival. Our neighborhoods require improvement. We must save the clarity of the Lake.
To effectively address our current and future needs, we all must contribute. We must organize together and reach a concensus of Tomorrow and plans to achieve that Vision. If effort is made today, results will be reached tomorrow. Continuing development of our basic Economy, Tourism, will provide the necessary funding for our current needs. Creation of a Diversified Economy will provide for the improvements needed to achieve our new future goals.
Continued Re-developmnent projects, expanded Marketing efforts, and improvement of our Environment will provide the basics for our Vision of Tomorrow.
New idea and New thinking are needed on our City Council to reach our goals. If we always do what we have done for the past Eight years, we will always get we have Got for the past Eight years. And, that is a Budget Short-fall, Borrowed Funding to balance short term Budgets and little planning for our Future and the next Generation.