Completion of a new middle school, moderization and expansion of high school, and conversion of Yolo Middle School to and elementary K-5 school.
Completion of a new middle school will be a major step in reducing overcrowding at Von Renner Elementary School and will allow the district to open a second elementary school within the City of Newman. Currently 650 students are housed in a high school constructed for 300-400 students. Science classrooms are inadequate to their purpose. An interim solution to overcrowding at the high school is the use of excess space at what is now Yolo Middle School until facilities can be completed at the high school. The high school is in serious need of a new cafeteria/multi-purpose room, administrative/counseling space, student activities center, and a new science/math/technology wing. High school overcrowding might also be relieved by relocating surplus portable classrooms from other sites within the district. An additional elementary school may be needed in the eastern portion of town as new developments are built. Diablo Grande is also within the district and may require an elementary school. Short-term, Bonita Elementary school will house students from the Diablo Grande development.