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San Mateo County, CA November 6, 2001 Election
Smart Voter

By Mark J. Tobin

Candidate for Councilmember; City of San Bruno

This information is provided by the candidate
The EXPERIENCE and LEADERSHIP qualities I have gained working with people of all ages will be an ASSET TO YOU!
We are facing many changes: The proposed airport runway expansion, San Francisco Jail rebuild and the completion of the BART extension. It is important that we deal with these issues in an open-minded, reasonable and well-informed manner. It is my goal to use the knowledge, experience and leadership abilities I have gained in my work and community involvement to serve the residents of San Bruno.

While we have made progress in the last few years with the adoption of a Redevelopment Plan, and a Site Specific Plan for the Naval site, there are still important challenges ahead.

I will work toward and support:

A Strong Tree Ordiance to Beautify our City
Minimizing Traffic Impact
Revitalization of our Downtown
The building of a new Library
Enhancing Recreation programs for Youth and Seniors
Recognize the needs of working families
Strong Police and Fire Departments

Join with me to make San Bruno a better place to live. When you VOTE, please consider my COMMITMENT and DEDICATION to you and the City. Thank you for your support and vote of confidence

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