No Government is Legitimate without the consent of the
governed. The Right of Self Determination is Fundamental
The most fundamental right that any citizen has is to
choose what government he will form and subject himself to.
The founding fathers knew that the only legitimate
government is that which is freely chosen by the governed.
The principle of self determination is the most fundamental
principle of this country. A revolution was fought over it.
The San Fernando Valley for a number of reasons wishes to
form its own government. That is a basic right and the LA
City Council has no authority to stand in the way. Mr
Jefferson wrote: "We hold these truths to be self evident,
that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by
their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among
these are the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of
happiness. That in order to secure these rights governments
are established among men deriving their just powers from
the consent of the governed, that whenever any form of
government becomes destructive of these ends (including the
LA City Council) it is the right of the people to alter or
abolish it and to institute new government, laying its
foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in
such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their
safety and happiness." The key point here is whenever any
form of government becomes destructive or does not secure
the rights of the governed then those same people have the
right to alter or abolish government, the right to determine
for themselves what government they will consent to.
The LA City Council has been successful in keeping
those who wish to secede involved in side issues. Things
such as tax revenues, status of government properties,
poorer districts, schools, sewers and the like. Keeping you
busy and distracted by committees, studies, environmental
impact reports, more and more costs and tactics to delay and
stall is not preserving your rights. Believe me there will
be no end to the things that you will have to study, do and
pay for in order to even get them to think about valley
succession. Those subjects that are mentioned above are
things that can be negotiated and settled but are certainly
not to be used as bogus reasons for preventing the self
determination of the people in the valley; that is The right
of the governed to choose and consent to forming their own
government. The council is not interested in preserving
your rights, but only in maintaining their power base. That
is what it is about. Loss of tax revenues means loss of
power and control. That means no political influence. This
is the major problem with all government in the United
States today. They have lost the main reason for their
existence: which is to preserve, protect and enhance the
liberty and rights of the individual.
Continual pressure will be necessary as people in the
government (republicans and democrats alike, as they are
pretty much the same) will not give up their personal power
easily. As a Libertarian, I know what your rights are and
what the true function of government is. I can only say
that if all of you in the valley had had the good sense to
vote Libertarian and elected Libertarian senators,
assemblymen and council members you would not now be having
to crawl on your hands and knees and begging city officials
for your right of self determination. You can correct that
and change this by voting for and electing Libertarians.