Santa Cruz County, CA November 7, 2000 Election
Smart Voter

What our schools are and what they can be

By Jim Martin

Candidate for Governing Board Member; Soquel Union Elementary School District

This information is provided by the candidate
We are privileged to have five top-notch schools in our district. They are not perfect yet, but the schools are improving. I, along with the current Board of Trustees, will continue to work to achieve what our students and teachers deserve.
We have 5 schools in the Soquel Union Elementary School District. With the exception of Main Street School, these sites are each over 25 years old. As you can imagine, these schools have seen some wear and tear as hundreds of children have received their education. Students at New Brighton Middle School have no covered lunch room in which to eat, including when it rains! If not for kind teachers who often open their rooms to students at lunch, these children would crowd together under the walkway coverings to eat. This is just one story regarding our aging and inadequate facilites. There are more, but in short, we need to show our students that we care about their education by providing them with facilites they can use and be proud of.

I currently serve as a Board Trustee and recently we conducted a random parent survey via the phone. The results of this survey showed that most parents are satisfied with the education their children are receiving. Our district received a "B+" overall. We know there are areas we can improve on and our board is addressing all of these issues. Besides the facilities issue, communication is one area we are working on improving. This October, we will undergo a communications audit, conducted by a communications specialist. We will find our weaknesses and improve upon them. We will find our strengths and expand them. It is important to all of us and to me to know everyone is involved in their student's education.

Our test scores are on the rise! This is something we are happy to tell and celebrate. Our teachers are doing their jobs and so are the students. We have adopted standards for each grade level and given a copy of these standards to each student and their parent/guardian. It is in print what students will be learning and what they will be expected to learn during their school year. Parents/guardians will know what is in store for the upcoming year and will be better able to speak with their student's teacher with any questions they may have regarding curriculum.

The current Board of Trustees is doing an outstanding job of making our 5 schools the best they can be. Our job is not over yet--it continues. I am honored to be a member of this board and hope to continue with our commitment to our students, teachers and parents to provide the best schools possible. I hope I can count on your vote November 7th.

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