- 40 million Americans are unisured.
- Eldely Americans are worried that they will not be able to afford prescription durgs, the medical benefits will be reduced and the number of uninsured Americans will rise.
- They are more concerned about what the programs would look like for their children and grandchildren.
- Social Security is a major concern to senior citizens.
- Favor adding prescription drug benefit to Medicare by providing more options to recipients and a greater choice of plans.
- Expanding health coverage through medical saving ccounts.
- Charging wealthier Medicare recipients more for coverage.
- Strengthening tax incentives to small businesses that provide health coverage to employees.
- Full tax deduction for self-employed and long term care.
- Affordable health coverage for children and adults in low-to-middle income families.
- Would segregate any surplus from Social Security Trust Fund in a lock box to assure funds could not be shifted to other programs.
- Favor letting workers invest portion of Social Security payroll tax in private investments accounts.
- Allow younger workers the option of investing majority of their payroll taxes in private investments.
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