The City must manage traffic better
The City must manage the traffic better
We can do better for our traffic problems rather than build the Bypass (State Route 238)
Interstate 238 (the short stretch between 580 and 880) should be widened as soon as possible
Lights should be timed better today; monitor traffic flow and adjust synchronization mechanisms as appropriate and/or install demand response timing mechanisms
880/92 improvements should only be allowed where there are no negative impacts to neighborhoods
For example, the Southgate Swim Club is a valuable asset to the community and should be preserved - 880/92 should work around the present footprint of the swim club
Development of an Overpass/Underpass at Five Corners (Jackson, Foothill, Mission interchange) should begin as soon as possible
Develop double left hand turn lanes at Mission/Carlos Bee
Development of an Overpass/Underpass at Winton/Hesperian should be studied
Developers should be financially responsible for traffic control at haul sites
Traffic Calming measures should be explored to slow fast cars, protect pedestrians and encourage bicycle traffic
Speed humps should be more easily approved and installed on residential streets
Stop signs should be more easily approved and installed on residential streets
We should fully advertise and implement our Master Bicycle Plan
Additional bike paths and bike lanes should be more easily approved on all streets
Jitney service should be explored for the Downtown and the Tennyson Road corridor
CalTrans should maintain off-ramps and on-ramps