|Candidate_Dir: oh/hm/vote/kercheval_j |Contest_Dir: oh/hm/race/chrm |County_List: Hamilton County, OH |Residential_County: Hamilton |Office_Title: Mayor; City of Harrison |Preparer_Last_Name: Kercheval |Preparer_First_Name: Judy |Preparer_Address: 333 Harmony Dr. (Private) |Preparer_City_State_Zip: Harrison, OH 45030 |Candidate_Last_Name: Kercheval |Candidate_First_Name: Judy |Campaign_WWW_URL: http:// www.kercheval.org |Campaign_Email: KerchJudy@aol.com |Campaign_Street_Address: 333 Harmony Dr. (Private) |Campaign_City_State_Zip: Harrison, OH 45030 |Campaign_Phone: 367-4440 |Campaign_Fax: 367-5940 |Occupation: Retired |Bio_Highlight_1: Community/Neighborhood: City of Harrison |Bio_Highlight_2: Political Party: DNA as I am an Independent candidate |Bio_Highlight_3: Education Graduated high school, certificate Chicago School of Interior Design |Bio_Highlight_4: Serve on council (3rd term); Chairperson of several committees;operated small business; active in community service 34 years; |Bio_Highlight_5: knowledge of emergency services/disaster planning; certificates in OSHA, Personnel Law, Workers Comp, Public Records |Bio_Highlight_6: Management, Land Use Planning, ADA and more. |Full_Biography: BIOGRAPHY/RESUME JUDITH A. KERCHEVAL 333 HARMONY DRIVE HARRISON, OHIO 45030 (513) 367-4440 BACKGROUND: Date of Birth: May 20, 1941 Marital Status: Married July 4, 1962 to Ronald L. Kercheval Family: Husband, Ronald L. Kercheval Children: R. Scott Kercheval W. Curtis Kercheval EDUCATION: Graduated Taylor High School, North Bend, Ohio, in 1959 Grade School: Miami Heights Elementary School, Cleves, Ohio North Avondale Elementary School, Cincinnati, Ohio Clifton Elementary School, Cincinnati, Ohio Have attended many seminars and workshops concerning OSHA, ADA, Public Records, Fair Labor Standards Act, Safety Committees, Ohio Ethics Law, Main Street Program, Workers Compensation, Emergency Management, Environmental and other various interests PROFESSIONAL BACKGROUND: Currently a Councilwoman with the City of Harrison, Ohio (elected for three terms) 1993 - retired from the Jackman-Kercheval Funeral Home, Harrison, Ohio 1976 to 1993 - Vice President/Secretary of the Jackman-KerchevaI Funeral Home, Harrison, Ohio 1965 to 1976 - helped with the operation of the Jackman Funeral Home, Harrison, Ohio 1961 to 1963 - Secretary for the Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Cincinnati, Ohio 1959 to 1961 - Secretary to the Terminal Manager of the Hooven Plant, Gulf Oil Corporation, Hooven, Ohio ORGANIZATIONS: * United Methodist Church of Harrison ( Treasurer, Administrative Board Chairperson, Finance Chairperson, Sunday School Teacher, United Methodist Women's President, Board of Trustees Chairperson Chairperson Council on Ministries and various others) * Beta Sigma Phi International Sorority, Xi Eta Iota Chapter, Harrison, Ohio (Have held all offices and chairmanships) * Western Economic Council (have been Publicity Chairperson) *Harrison Fire Department Auxiliary (retired member) *Volunteer For Southwest Local School District * Main Street-Hanison, Inc. (a program to revitalize the historic portion of Harrison - founder and have been President and Board Member) *Lighthouse Youth Services Volunteer (Runaway Shelter) *Advisory Board Member for the Franciscan Health Systems (Medi Center in Harrison and Providence Hospital in Cincinnati - worked to bring the Wellness Clinic to Harrison) *Task Force Member for Breast Cancer Awareness Committee for the Greater Harrison area *Task Force Member to bring a Retirement Community/Nursing Home to Harrison area *Have been a member of the Harrison Elementary PTA, Harrison Jr./Sr. High School PTA, Harrison Drama Boosters, Harrison Athletic Boosters, Harrison Elementary School Reading Program, Mother-to-Mother Ministry (Board Member), Den Mother for Cub Scouts *Local Emergency Planning Committee, Hamilton County (just appointed) CITY COUNCIL RESPONSIBILITIES: * Civil Defense Committee (Chair 1990-1998) *Safety Committee (Chair 1990-1998) * Solid Waste and Environmental Committee (Chair) *ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) Committee (Coordinator) *Recreation Commission *Buildings, Lands and Parks Committee *Community Center Committee *Personnel Committee (Chair) *Century 62 Gold Committee (150th Birthday of City) |Political_Priority_1: Goal setting and economic development plan |Political_Priority_2: . 5-year plan for infrastructure upgrades (streets/sidewalks) |Political_Priority_3: Guide Harrison into 21st Century, use new technology, keep residents informed |Position_Paper_1_Title: GOAL SETTING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: |Position_Paper_1_Summary: Setting goals begins with a vision and ends with plans and resources for reality. Local economic development refers to changes that increase a local economy's capacity to create wealth for the residents using human, financial and physical resources of that community. |Position_Paper_1_Full_Text: Successful organizations, cities and communities included, have goals. It will give the city and staff some specific and written direction to jointly move in. It will help us move our human and financial energies in a positive direction. City Council and the Mayor can outline the process whereby they have a vision of what our community should become along with specific goals to accomplish it. I believe goals bring about the vision and then budgets and programs make it a reality. Goals can be translated into action plans and budgets, which describe the strategy for their completion. Establishment and articulation of the goals and priorities is an important first step in any strategic approach to economic development. We must understand that economic development refers to changes that increase a local economy's capacity to create wealth for local residents using human, financial and physical resources. In this realm, wealth refers to that which a community desires, including private goods and services, income from jobs and public goods and services. It also includes personal well being, a clean environment and other quality of life factors. Everyone will have different issues and thoughts regarding economic development. It is important that we all come together to realize an economic development plan for our City. It will take input from all cross sections of our community. We have to include residents, business, organizations and city government. It will be up to city government to take an active role in balancing the different interests and identifying goals that will best serve the community as a whole. We need to identity key issues and then make the necessary strategies to explore how to address them. By carefully designing the strategies we can ensure success. |Position_Paper_2_Title: 5-YEAR FOR INFRASTRUCTURE UPDATES (Streets/Sidewalks) |Position_Paper_2_Summary: We can make sure that our infrastructure is maintained better by having a 5- year plan for such. It will be easier to budget for this as well as maintaining the system. |Position_Paper_2_Full_Text: It is imperative that we have 5-year plans for the upgrading of our streets. I believe that without planning ahead we are going to be left to spin our wheels or do the band-aid effect. By careful planning, we can reduce the number of times that we have to use the band-aid effect. We will know what street will need to be upgraded, when the time is to apply for the funding and how to plan for the project in our budget for future years, instead of going around and seeing which streets are in the worst shape and then trying to get the funding to help repair them. We need to mandate through legislation that the utility companies must give us a 5 year plan for what they are hoping to do in our community. This will help us make better decisions concerning our street improvements and upgrades. We can have the utility companies make all necessary repairs and upgrades to their lines before we do any street projects. What I am saying is that we can coordinate the projects which will make it easier for them as well as us. Nothing is worse than making all the necessary upgrades on our streets and having the utility companies then decide that some type of repair work needs to be done and they have to cut into the new roadway. There are other communities in the state who have adopted the 5-year plan for the utility companies and it seems to work quite well. This type of a 5-year plan for the upgrading of streets should take care of making sure that all streets and alleys within our city are kept in good condition. We also need to implement some type of plan for sidewalk repair and installation of sidewalks where we currently do not have them. More and more people are walking to where they need to go especially where there are motels. It is not safe for them to be walking on the shoulder of the road. Many of our sidewalks are in deplorable condition and need to be fixed and properly maintained. It will take a long time to get everything accomplished that needs to be done concerning sidewalks, but it can happen with a good, fair plan. We could even research to see if there might be some type of funding available to help residents with this project. We already know that if the cost is too high for a one time payment that it can be put on the property tax bill to be paid over several years. Let's see if there might be some type of monetary help for this. It never hurts to look and see. |Position_Paper_3_Title: GUIDE HARRTSON INTO 21st CENTURY USE MODERN TECHNOLOGY AS TOOL |Position_Paper_3_Summary: With all the new technology available to us today, we need to take advantage of it and put our community into the forefront. Let others know we are here. |Position_Paper_3_Full_Text: We need to take advantage of the modern technology to introduce our community to others within the State of Ohio, neighboring states, and the world. There are many new ways to do this. We have the opportunity now to send something around the world in a matter of minutes and sometimes-even seconds by way of the World Wide Web. We need to take advantage of this. We need to use our web site more aggressively to promote our community. We must see that it is maintained up to the minute with information on any and everything that is going on within the city limits. The ideas through this medium are unbelievable and limitless. We can also promote our community through use of video production. Many communities are now having a video produced to show the advantages of coming to them. They then send them to companies and even potential residents to show all the unique qualities they can afford to them This would be a definite part of the economic development plan that I plan to implement. What better way to show the great quality of life we have here in our community than by way of a video you can watch in the privacy of your own home or business. The enticement of great local schools, good infrastructure, availability of good utilities, quaintness of a small town atmosphere, emergency services that are above all others, cannot help but get business and people to move into our community. But we have to sell ourselves and one way to do that is by use of a video. The cost of this would certainly be offset by the economic development we see happen The old saying "Sometimes you have to spend a little money to make a lot of money" is something we need to think about when it concerns bringing economic development into this community. I have gone with modern technology and you can reach me by typing in http://www.kerchieval.org on the internet. |Question_1: What are your views regarding the need for public transportation in your community to promote access to employment throughout the region? |Answer_1: This would be a good service to have for residents to get to and from employment. But small cities such as ours do not have funds available to subsidize. It would be most helpful to be able to move residents without other transportation to places just within our city limits. Help would have to come from other sources if this is to become a reality. |Question_2: Would you be in favor of county-wide campaign finance regulations that would provide for public matching funds, limit campaign contributions and provide for more disclosure? State your opinions on these ideas; whether you would support or oppose them. |Answer_2: Since I do not accept contributions and use my own funds for my campaign, it would not affect me. But I do believe there has to be limits so all interested and qualified persons have the same opportunity to run for office. |Question_3: What are the benefits/detriments to land use planning prior to zoning decisions? |Answer_3: Some benefits are being able to guide the development of the area; allowing input from the community; planning for necessary infrastructure, emergency services and other necessary personnel for the future