To fund the acquisition and maintenance of conservation areas throughout Snohomish County, shall Snohomish County levy for ten years and additional excise tax of forty-one one-hundredths of one percent (.41%) on each sale of real property, to be paid by the purchaser, to collect an estimated $130,000,000, as provided in County Ordinance No. 98-039?
Proposition 4 would raise money for the purchase and maintenance of conservation areas (land and water which has environmental, agricultural, aesthetic, cultural, scientific, historic, scenic or low-intensity recreational value). This would add open space for citizens and wildlife and help with flood control. If this proposition is approved, when people purchase real estate (commercial or residential), they will pay (.41%) real estate excise tax to the county. This would amount to $410.00 tax on a purchase of $100,000.00.
- Summary of Arguments FOR ASCENT 21 Proposition 4:
- More people in the area has put more pressure on sensitive wetlands and increased runoff in the county.
We need to purchase and save areas around streams to help control flooding, provide habitat for salmon and other species, and provide open space for residents.
This provides a funding source for projects which the County may be forced to do because the Federal government listed salmon under the Endangered Species Act.
- Summary of Arguments AGAINST ASCENT 21 Proposition 4:
- Adding taxes to the purchase price of a house will increase housing costs and make home ownership more difficult (especially for first time or lower-income buyers).
We need to raise development fees to pay for the problems development causes. To ask all citizens to raise taxes to pay for these problems gives developers a free ride.
This is a bandage approach. Flooding problems will get worse without changes in the way we handle the root problem, surface water.
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