· ENVIRONMENT - Gray Davis opposes expansion of offshore drilling and is a strong environmental supporter. Davis sponsored the permanent ban on new oil drilling leases in California State waters. A balanced, global environmental paradigm must be developed as we enter the next millenium to ensure that we protect the precious surroundings in which we live. For the past 25 years, Gray Davis has fought for the wise management of our natural resources. Urban sprawl must be stopped. Land must be preserved for agricultural use in order to keep California Number One in the world in farm produce. We must invest in pesticide research that produces less expensive, safer products. We must also invest in new technologies to achieve the most efficient use of our water resources. Recapturing agricultural run-off, if accomplished in an affordable manner, could result in significant savings while conserving water. As Governor, Gray will supply the leadership necessary to accomplish these goals.
· GUN CONTROL - As the only gubernatorial candidate in California who has been trained in the use of assault weapons by the United States Army, Gray Davis knows that these weapons of military destruction have no place in civilian society. Additionally, he was one of only 25 votes in California's Legislature back in the mid-1980's who voted for gun control legislation. If elected Governor, he will continue to support sound gun control policy for the State of California.