Provides a little more "in-depth" summary of background and overall objectives as a Board Member
Some of you may know me from my activities on the Measure O campaign; I was an active supporter of Measure O. More recently, I chaired the District's Transportation Taskforce and was in the core group of those who created two years ago the Folsom and Cordova Taskforce for Education (FACT). FACT is an organization that arose out of the ashes of Measure O. It represents an effort to bring together those who opposed each other on the Measure O campaign in order to establish an arena of trust between the two communities. The goal of FACT has been to re-examine the matter of reorganization in partnership and determine which is the best way to administer the education of the children of both communities. I am a licensed Certified Public Accountant. I earned a Bachelor of Music Degree and a Master of Science in Business Degree. I am married and have a son attending school in Folsom. My wife's family has been in Folsom since about 1948. As one who started life in a poor family, I know the value of a good education as I have enjoyed the benefits that come from one. As the son of an artist, I know the value of arts and music in education. As a CPA, I know the value of sound financial planning and a solid financial base. I want to see every child in our District receive a good education, one that will serve them well as adults and will serve those fortunate enough to have them in their community. Drawing on the broad background I have, I want to serve those children who now and will attend District schools in both communities by focusing on planning for the future. Both communities are experiencing significant changes that will affect our ability to effectively educate our children. Some of these include the timely completion of the new Folsom High School, needed repairs and improvements in the schools in Rancho Cordova, the matter of the financial soundness of the District, class size reduction, the laudable move by Rancho Cordova toward a more defined community identity through incorporation, and the continuing dramatic increase in population in Folsom. It is only through good planning that our District will be able to ensure the education of a lifetime. I believe I have the needed skills that will help our District prepare for the new millenium.