Orange County, CA November 3, 1998 General
Smart Voter

Trustees, Administrators and Teachers Must be Accountable for Student Performance

By Sandie Franklin Gonzales

Candidate for Governing Board Member; Saddleback Valley Unified School District

This information is provided by the candidate
We must hold accountable those to whom we have given the task of educating our children. We must raise our standards and criteria of being able to read at grade level, and teach our children how to read.
Trustees: Televise Board meetings so that all parents and citizens have easy access to Board decisions and current issues. Trustees must communicate with and listen to the concerns of parents.

Administrators: Require principals to spend more time in the classroom, assessing teacher performance and student behavior.

Teachers: Make sure all teachers are fully credentialed and are fully trained in the subjects they teach.

Students: Stop social promotion. All students must prove they have the required skills before they can be promoted to the next grade level.

Summer school must be mandatory for failing students. Each year raise the expectation and criteria for achieving "grade level" reading performance. We must graduate students who can read, and write a decent paragraph.

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Created from information supplied by the candidate: October 13, 1998 08:36
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