Pima County, AZ November 3, 1998 General
Smart Voter

Full Biography for Kathleen Dunbar

Candidate for
State Representative; District 13


This information is provided by the candidate

Kathleen was born on October 3, 1950 in Iowa. After earning an Associates Degree from Ellsworth Junior College, she decided to pursue an atypical career for a woman at that time -- in broadcast sales. Her natural leadership ability and drive took over, as she outsold most of her male colleagues, which lead her to management positions. She won a Distinguished Sales Award from Sales and Marketing Executives in Norfolk, Virginia.

In 1986, Kathleen decided to move closer to her family who had relocated to Tucson, Arizona, where she also met her future husband, Dick Dunbar. Again, she quickly rose to the top in Sales and Sales Management positions. People knew she was a winner. She decided to change careers in 1993, looking to the field of realty. Success didn't wait long, for in that same year she was named Rookie of the Year for her realty office.

However, after some soul-searching, Kathleen knew that there were other ways to best serve her community. She's always loved animals, so in 1996, she decided to accept the Community Relations Manager position at the Humane Society of Tucson (now Humane Society of Southern Arizona). In the 2 1/2 years of service in animal welfare, Kathleen has brought more public attention to the plight homeless and unwanted companion animals than was given in previous years. She has personally rescued and saved the lives of dozens of animals, not only by welcoming some into her own home, but by finding good homes amongst the caring people of the community.

Outside of her professional interests there lies the complexity of Kathleen's community service. She is active in the Pima County Republican Party, serving at various times as Trunk 'N Tusk Chair, Executive Committee Member, Chairman of Legislative District 13, and as a Precinct Committeeman. She is a member of the professional woman's association, Soroptimist International of Desert Tucson, where she has served as the Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee and as President. She is actively involved in ensuring that the City of Tucson has fair and dedicated judges by serving on the City Magistrates Merit Selection Commission, and she is currently the First Vice President of Tucson Republican Women.

Kathleen cares about her community and loves being a Tucsonan. She is more than qualified to lead the State of Arizona into the next millennium.

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Created from information supplied by the candidate: October 23, 1998 17:39
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