There is a critical need for housing in Palo Alto that Measure O addresses, and a critical problem with traffic that it doesn't. I have serious reservations about Measure O but I'm for it.
I support the legitimate process that the council used to negotiate the final compromise package and its decision to refer the matter to the voters. Though Measure M includes innovative ideas, I do not support land-use planning by initiative.
I support the housing component of Measure O. It is vitally important that we take advantage of every opportunity to build housing-especially housing that serves local employers. Measure M cannot guarantee that housing will be built.
I do not believe that Measure O will solve traffic problems in the Sand Hill corridor. I grew up in Southern California and know that increased roadway capacity does not reduce traffic.
The issue of M and O will be decided by the voters. I have my own ideas about how to ease traffic and build housing at the same time.
I am finding that many people in the community are interested in the new planning ideas I have been promoting that would encourage development near transit services, encourage transportation alternatives and locate services within neighborhoods. I am committed to continue working on these important issues.