Statement of BILL ALBRIGHT, Candidate for Governing Board Member Occupation: Chief Financial Officer Age: 40 Education and Qualifications: MBA, Harvard Business School; MS, BS, Biological Sciences, Stanford University * Organized and financed biotechnology/medical companies from start-up through initial public offerings. * Restructured businesses to increase revenues and manage expenses. * Managed $65 million in annual worldwide sales. Our schools are confronted simultaneously with two significant financial challenges: chronic deficit spending and management of the $143 million school bond issue. Since the district can not directly control its revenues, the school board must exercise discipline in managing the district's expenses. Growth in spending should be justified by district priorities and offset against other expenses when necessary. I will say "no" when it is the right thing to do. After raising $143 million in bonds in 1995, the district stumbled over renovation planning and escalating costs. Consequently all schools have suffered 2 years additional delay. I support the superintendent's decision to break the problem down and begin funding high priority repairs to schools now. My experience in analyzing and financing technical development programs should be useful in moving the renovation program forward. Parent involvement is important in district decisions. No one person or group has all the answers. I would reach out to all interested parties and establish common priorities. District practices should encourage parent participation. Palo Alto's schools are good, and they can be better. Since "excellence" means different things to different people, I believe in offering choices. Within reasonable limits, I support the diversity across the district from Ohlone and Hoover to the Spanish Immersion Program. Within any given subject, such as math or reading, we should have a strong curriculum. Our goal should be to move all students ahead to reach their own maximum potential. I respect the interests of teachers and parents regarding curriculum and would seek to incorporate both in board decisions. Changes in curriculum should be made thoughtfully (with objective data wherever possible) and with consideration for their impact on the students affected by them. My wife and I both work, and we have 3 children at the early elementary level. I was fortunate to enjoy excellent public schools grades K-12. I would like our children to enjoy the same. Please vote for me.